Friday 13 January 2017

Kitchen Loft, designed by Michele Marcon

Snaidero wins a special mention for its Loft kitchen from the German 2017 Design Award. Snaidero has walked away with a prestigious award in the category “Excellent Product Design Kitchen” with its Loft model designed by Michele Marcon. Loft is a kitchen which embodies all the most recent urban trends: compact furniture with wood-effect materials combined with metal and glass and customised cabinet doors with distinctive textures make for unique characterful compositions and come together to build a powerfully attractive industrial atmosphere. And it is precisely this fusion of original design, high-end materials and astounding technological innovation that has enabled this kitchen to come away with this important international prize.

La firma italiana de cocinas Snaidero ha recibido la Mención Especial en el German Design Award 2017 por su modelo de cocina Loft, diseñada por Michele Marcon. La cocina Loft es la expresión de las últimas tendencias urbanas: muebles compactos con materiales de efecto madera combinados con metal y vidrio, puertas personalizadas con texturas exclusivas que dan carácter y singularidad a la composición, combinados entre sí para crear un ambiente industrial. Es precisamente la mezcla entre el diseño original, la elección de los materiales y la gran innovación tecnológica lo que ha permitido a esta cocina ganar tan significativo premio internacional.

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