Fleur, design by Marta Laudani and Marco Romanelli, is a philosophy and an innovative product for the bathroom, as well a sink that has been completely redesigned in the inside space that return to the dock a symbolic role before than a function. The sinks Fleur propose on the bottom, like a Chinese porcelain, like the fountain of an Arabian garden, a flower in low relief. A flower can be white, and tone-on-tone colors : after all a flower authorizes the color, even in the bathroom!
Fleur, diseñado por Marta Laudini y Marco Romanelli para Azzurra, es un lavabo completamente reproyectado en su espacio interior y que nos sorprenderá gratamente por su originalidad. En el fondo se ha creado una flor en bajorrelieve que emerge de la cerámica. Un toque exclusivo y divertido para nuestro baño.